Ежедневник билингва тексты

Эпизод 174 Эпизод 174

  Text 174 Sunday 27 August, Edinburgh 27 августа, воскресенье, Эдинбург Кол-во посещенных спектаклей – 0 No. of shows seen 0. 2 a.m. Can't get to sleep. I bet they're all at a really nice party. 2:00. Не могу заснуть. Могу поспорить,...

Эпизод 173 Эпизод 173

Text 173 I said I'd meet them at the Plaisance at six because I wanted to go to the George Hotel and leave a message for Tom, and I bumped into Tina in the bar. I didn't realize how far it was to the Plaisance, and when I got there it had started and there were no seats left. Secretly relieved, I...

Эпизод 172 Эпизод 172

Text 172 Friday 25 August 25 августа, пятница 7 p.m. I am going to Edinburgh. Today Perpetua said, 'Bridget, this is absurdly short notice, but it's just occurred to me. I've taken a flat up in Edinburgh – I'd adore it if you wanted to stay.' So generous and...

Эпизод 171 Эпизод 171

Text 171 Tuesday 22 August 22 августа, вторник 9st 2, alcohol units 4, cigarettes 25, lottery tickets 5. 128 фунтов, порций алкоголя – 4, сигарет – 25, лотерейных билетов – 5. Still haven't heard anything from the interview....

Эпизод 170 Эпизод 170

Text 170 A plump, middle_aged man with curly blond hair, a denim shirt and huge red spectacles was jigging up and down at the end of the table. Пухленький мужчина средних лет с курчавыми светлыми волосами, в рубашке из грубой ткани и огромных красных очках подскакивал вверх-вниз на...

Эпизод 169 Эпизод 169

Text 169 Wednesday 16 August 16 августа, среда Horrible night. Kept waking up bathed in sweat, panicking about the difference between the Ulster Unionists and SDLP and which of them Ian Paisley was involved in. Ужасная ночь. Ходила из угла в угол,...

Эпизод 168 Эпизод 168

Text 168 Monday 14 August 14 августа, понедельник 9st 5 (great-turned into lard mountain for interview, also have spot), alcohol units 0, cigarettes many, calories 1575 (but threw up so effectively 400, approx.). 131 фунт (здорово – перед...

Эпизод 167 Эпизод 167

Text 167 6 p.m. As luck would have it, Jude had just been reading brilliant book called Goddesses in Everywoman. Apparently the book says that at certain times in your life everything goes wrong and you don't know which way to turn and it is as if everywhere around you stainless steel doors are...

Эпизод 166 Эпизод 166

Text 166   Sunday 13 August                                              ...

Эпизод 165 Эпизод 165

Text 165   – Я только схожу в туалет, – всхлипнула я и бросилась мимо сооружения из пакетов с салфетками. 'Just going to the loo,' I blurted, rushing away past a configuration of sanitary-napkin bags. There was a queue outside a Portaloo, and I joined...

Эпизод 164 Эпизод 164

Text 164 Midnight. After she'd gone, called Tom, who took me to a party a friend of his from art school was having at the Saatchi Gallery to stop me obsessing. Полночь. После ухода мамы позвонил Том и пригласил меня на вечер, который его друг по школе искусств устраивал в «Саачи-...

Эпизод 163 Эпизод 163

Text 163 6:45 p.m. Was just starting to watch the 6 o'clock news, notebook poised, when Mum burst in bearing carrier bags. 'Now, darling,' she said sailing past me into the kitchen. 'I've brought you some nice soup, and some smart outfits of mine for Monday!' She was wearing a lime green suit,...




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