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Эпизод 162 Эпизод 162

Text 162 'Sorry,' I said, slumping dizzily against the wall. 'Just, um, saw a car accident out of the window.' I was evidently superfluous to the conversation, however, as Waspy gushed on about the cost of wedding cakes for about twenty minutes, then said, 'Have to go. We're cooking Delia Smith...

Эпизод 161 Эпизод 161

Text 161 8:47 a.m. Just had fag. But no-smoking day does not start officially till have got dressed. Suddenly start thinking of former boyfriend Peter with whom had functional relationship for seven years until finished with him for heartfelt, agonizing reasons can no longer remember. Every so...

Эпизод 160 Эпизод 160

Text 160 9 a.m. Blimey. Mum just rang. 'Darling,' she said. 'Guess what? Good Afternoon! are looking for researchers. Current affairs, terribly good. I've spoken to Richard Finch, the editor, and told him all about you. I said you had a degree in politics, darling. Don't worry, he'll be far too...

Эпизод 159 Эпизод 159

Text 159 8 a.m. Ugh. In physically disastrous state but emotionally v. much cheered up by night out. Jude arrived in vixen-from-hell fury because Vile Richard had stood her up for the Relationship Counseling. 8:00. Уф-ф-ф. Физически я в бедственном состоянии, но эмоционально сильно...

Эпизод 158 Эпизод 158

Text 158 Tuesday 8 August 8 августа, вторник 9st, alcohol units 7 (har har), cigarettes 29 (tee hee), calories 5 million, negative thoughts 0, thoughts, general 0. 126 фунтов, порций алкоголя – 7 (ай-яй), сигарет – 29 (ой-ей), калорий – 5 миллионов...

Эпизод 157 Эпизод 157

Text 157 Friday 4 August 4 августа, пятница Thigh circumference 18 inches, negative thoughts 600 per minute, panic attacks 4, crying attacks 12 (but both times only in toilets and remembered to take mascara), Instants 7. Окружность бедер – 18 дюймов...

Эпизод 156 Эпизод 156

Text 156 Daniel kept sending me computer messages at work. 'We should talk,' etc., which I studiously ignored. But the more he sent the more I got carried away, imagining that the self-reinvention was working, that he realized he had made a terrible, terrible mistake, had only now understood how...

Эпизод 155 Эпизод 155

Text 155   Thursday 3 August 3 августа, четверг 8st 11, thigh circumference 18 inches (honestly, what is bloody point), alcohol units 0, cigarettes 25 (excellent, considering), negative thoughts: approx. 445 per hour, positive thoughts 0....

Эпизод 154 Эпизод 154

Text 154 Wednesday 2 August 2 августа, среда 8st 12., thigh circumference 18 inches, alcohol units 3 (but v. pure sort of wine), cigarettes 7 (but did not inhale), calories 1500 (excellent), teas 0, coffees 3 (but made with real coffee beans therefore less...

Эпизод 153 Эпизод 153

Text 153 10 a.m. Mum was brilliant. 'Darling,' she said. 'Of course you haven't woken me. I'm just leaving for the studio. I can't believe you've got in a state like this over a stupid man. They're all completely self-centered, sexually incontinent and no use to man nor beast. Yes, that does...

Эпизод 152 Эпизод 152

Text 152 AUGUST. Disintegration Tuesday 1 August АВГУСТ Разрыв 1 августа, вторник 8st 12, alcohol units 3, cigarettes 40 (but have stopped inhaling in order to smoke more), calories 450 (off food),1471 calls 14, Instants 7. 124 фунта, порций...

Эпизод 151 Эпизод 151

Text 151 I felt a complete fool. It was bloody Mark Darcy trying to wreck my relationship by sowing suspicions in my mind. Poor Daniel, it was so unfair to doubt him in this way, because of the word of some arrogant, ill-tempered, topflight human-rights lawyer. Then I heard a scraping noise on the...




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